Tuesday 23rd December

Short drive around Sea Point and Camps Bay, ending up at Dunes restaurant in Hout Bay for breakfast. Unfortunately only 4 Cobras were out in the cool morning air, but a great run never the less. (Thanks for the picture, Terry)

Hout Bay breakfast 2014 TF

Sunday 2nd Nov

We have been thinking about a West Coast outing for ages, and finally we had a good reason to drive up to Langebaan for the Curro school’s car show. Weather was perfect in the morning so the drive up was quite pleasant, even if a little bit boring as we had to focus on the speedo to maintain a steady 120kmph for the benefit of the average speed cameras on this road. The show itself was the first one being held, so there were not too many cars or visitors on the day, with the 12 Cobras making up by far the biggest spectacle. After a sudden but thankfully brief change in the weather, we left early to return in glorious sunshine.

Langebaan 2-11-2014

Saturday 4th October

18 Cobra’s and one GT40 cousin were in attendance at the Hermanus Whales & Wheels show this weekend. The drive up was not too cold, and the day certainly turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. This was followed by a “lekker old braai” with many jokes and much laughter. Sunday was probably even better weather, and so the drive back via the coast was brilliant. Unfortunately the lunch was very poor, and a bike accident on the coast road meant we had a slow drive back behind a recovery vehicle and a long queue of cars.

Hermanus - 4-10-14 P6

Wednesday 24th Sept

Heritage Day show. The outing began with a rather disorganised and overpacked start at a Rondebosch Common pulloff. The police escort was great, but we arrived in the poor mans public parking at the castle.  After some attempts by the public to get into some of the cars in the first 15 minutes, we decided to leave and did our own short ride over Kloof Neck, Camps Bay, ending up at Cafe Nero for breakfast – great time with Tarren Smith (first official outing) and Terry Flach.

Heritage Day 2014

Saturday 16th Aug

Live to Race – Killarney race track. Fantastic weather greeted the 4 Cobras who joined the Live to Race team in celebration of Woman’s day by driving the Pink Ladies around the track. Nothing like 9o minutes of action packed driving to wake up the snakes which have been hibernating for winter. (Photo : Heidi Potgieter)

Live to Race Aug 2014

Sunday 25th May

Carroll Shelby memorial drive – After having to postpone the originally planned drive a few weeks ago, it was touch and go if today’s event would be held due to rain, but after reading every weather forecast, we decided to proceed. This was a good call, as 8 Cobras were lucky enough to dodge just about every single rain drop along the route down the N2, over Sir Lowry’s pass, through Grabouw, over Franschhoek Pass, Franschhoek itself, Helshoogte, and ending up at the Root 44 market in Stellenbosch for lunch. A great day out with a great group of friends.

Carroll Shelby memorial drive - 25-5-2014

Sunday 11th May

The 2014 Knysna Car Show organised by Peter Pretorius of the Garden Route Motor Club, was a great success and enjoyed by a large crown who turned out in glorious sunshine on Mother’s day. There were some spectacular cars on show, including 3 local Cobra’s, and a large contingent of Ferraris and Jaguars.

Knysna 2014

Sunday 30th March

Blaauwklippen Market – After all weather forecasts predicted sunny skies, we woke up to pouring rain, but thanks to some local Stellenbosch members SMS’ing updates of sun, 12 of us ventured out, and what a good decision it was – great weather and great venue.

Blaauwklippen 2014

Saturday 8th February

Five members drove up from Cape Town to the George show in spectacular weather, and then George lived up to its CAW reputation by raining all of Friday night and early Saturday. Fortunately this cleared up early morning, and no further rain dampened the show. The drive back to Cape Town went off well in great weather again. There were 12 Cobras on display.


Saturday 18th Jan

Timour Hall – We had great weather for this show, but sadly only a few Cobras ventured out. Overall there was also poor spectator interest on the Saturday, with most people electing to visit on the Sunday, when there is a far more interesting array of cars on display.


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