6th November 2011 – Cape Classic Car Show – Parow

This year we teamed up with our colleagues from Live To Race and 14 LTR cars, including 9 Cobras were amongst the approximately 1200 cars on display. The public seemed to enjoy the sunny day, so it was well supported.

1st October 2011 – Whales & Wheels – Hermanus

There were 6 Cobra’s at this year’s Whales & Wheels show in Hermanus as part of the Whale Festival, and the weather played along for the whole weekend even though it was very cold driving there.

26th June 2011 – Live to Race – Killarney

How kind is Cape Town weather to the Cobra Club – after a good few days of rain, it clears up to a sunny afternoon when 8 Cobra’s mingled with many other cars to provide rides for the children and guests of the Live to Race charity.

12th June 2011 – Morgenhof Lunch

After meeting at various places en route, 9 Cobra’s took a short ride out the back of Stellenbosch and over Hell’s Hoogte in glorious sunshine and ended up at Morgenhof for a great relaxed winter’s lunch.

10th April 2011 – Riverside Lunch

What a fantastic day for driving the Cobra – but sadly only 3 cars ventured into the sun for a great lunch at the Riverside in Franschhoek.

6th March 2011 – Uitkyk picnic

Great weather welcomed 7 Cobra’s on the drive via the N2, Grabouw and Franschhoek to Uitkyk where we enjoyed a very relaxed picnic.

12th & 13th February 2011 – George Old Car Show

This was the first time the CCC attended the show in George, being represented by only 3 club cars who were joined by 4 other Cobra’s from the surrounding area. We believe there were over 1000 cars on display on Saturday (with quite a few less on Sunday), so there was plenty to view. There was also an original 1956 aluminium body AC Aceca with a Bristol engine on display. At lunch time, about 15 cars were put up for auction, some selling at bargain prices.

5th & 6th February 2011 – Killarney 50th anniversary

Although not as many overseas cars were racing this weekend, it was still great fun at this annual event. 14 cars attended with two cars in the concourse competition. The blue one came first!

22nd January 2011 – Timour Hall

The first event of 2011 was the Timour Hall show where 10 of us showed our cars on Saturday, along with many other clubs, mostly of the suped up small German and American variety. The Sunday show of vintage cars was far more interesting, and with a larger turnout of cars.

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