Saturday 2nd January – Spontaneous drive! 

After a quick Whatsapp discussion, three of us undertook a peninsular drive which included breakfast at Dixies in Glencairn, and then a drive via Cape Point, Misty Cliffs (guess the picture explains the name), Chappies, Hout Bay and then we cooled down at Forries! Great idea Tarren – well, the former part!

Misty cliffs 2016 s

Saturday 23rd January – Timour Hall show

We had a great turnout for the IPA show at Timour hall, with 15 Cobras squeezing into the courtyard. There were many spectators too on the very warm day.


Sunday 7th February – Chaeli Peninsular Drive

After being absolutely desperate to get 5 Cobras to join me on the drive around the peninsular, we managed to get the group together and had a fantastic drive with our guests. The wind was rather strong, but all enjoyed the drive and the superb lunch at the Victoria Junction Protea hotel.

Chaeli drive 2016

Sunday 21st March Lourensford lunch

Weather was a bit touch and go this morning, but fortunately Weather SA got the prediction wrong again, and the rain stayed away! Met at Engen Winelands and then drove the R44, R45 to Franschhoek, over the pass and across to Grabouw where we picked up some more guys before heading off to the Lourensford Farmers Market for a great lunch. Managed to avoid any rain, and had a good turnout of 13 Cobras.

Lourensford 2016 sr

Sunday 10th April –  Coastal drive

See, it can be done – an event organised by members and not Peter!

6 guys took a drive via Gordons Bay, Pringle Bay and lunch at Kleinmont. Then back the same scenic route, as the weather was just too perfect to spoil in over the pass. (Actually Peter was keeping an eye on the team from a distance, and only let them know when he overtook them on the N2 travelling home!)

Outing 10 April 2016


Sunday 15th May –  Carroll Shelby tribute drive

As usual, we try to arrange an annual drive in memory of Carroll Shelby, the father of the Cobra, who passed away on May 10th 2012. This year we had fantastic weather for the 11 Cobras who joined the drive around Sea Point, Hout Bay, Chappies, and we ended up in Steenberg for a quick brunch.

Shelby tribute 2016 wide

Saturday 1st October –  Whales & Wheels show, Hermanus

It was a pretty cold drive for 13 Cobras from Cape Town early on Saturday morning, but at least it was not raining. Some of the group decided on an extended journey to the show, which led to some exciting high speed driving to make the official entry time ! In the end, we had 15 Cobras on the field which this year was again well supported by car owners and enthusiasts. The weather also played along, making for some great photography by John Davidson with his drone. (See picture below). We are the 15 in the bottom right corner.

Hermanus Whales & Wheels show from the air
Hermanus Whales & Wheels show from the air


Sunday 5th November – Killarney Motor Show 

A great turnout of 19 Cobras attended the first Killarney Motor Show, and I am sure this will become a regular feature as there was a lot of public interest too. Quite a long walk around the track to see all the exhibits, but well worth it.


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