Sunday 16th Feb – Chaeli Campaign drive

Yet again there was great support from the members to give back to charity by participating in the Chaeli Campaign Peninsular drive, with 6 excited and enthusiastic passengers who thoroughly enjoyed the drive and lunch sponsored by the Victoria Junction Marriott Protea Hotel.

Chaeli - 16 Feb 2020  

March to December – COVID-19 hibernation

Unfortunately COVID-19 lockdown levels prevented group events, so only the occasional Cobra was spotted alone out in the sun. 


Sunday 6th Dec – Peninsular Coffee drive

After a long hibernation, 22 Cobras did a drive around the peninsular in fantastic weather. We met with our masks on at Rondebosch Common, then drove down the M3 and M4/5 towards Cape Point, and then stopped above the Slangkop lighthouse for a coffee and rusk stop, again practising social distancing. Back home via Chappies (seriously 20Kms/hr!), Hout Bay, Camps Bay and Sea Point.   

Covid coffee run - s

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