6th December 2009 – Speedway Cafe 105 breakfast and peninsular drive

What another glorious day in Cape Town – sun, no rain, no wind and 17 Cobras! We started the day with breakfast at Speedway Cafe 105, where the service was so good we were ready for the drive half an hour earlier than expected. Then it was off on a tour of the peninsular where we looked down on the almost completed Cape Town stadium before taking Ocean View Drive to Camps Bay, Hout Bay, Chappies and finally a sprint hill climb up Red Hill before cruising back via Misty Cliffs and Kommetjie.

15th November 2009 – Classic Car Show – Parow

An early start saw 17 Cobra’s attend the show along with about 1000 cars from many clubs belonging to the Cape Multi-MotorClub, who combined this year’s show with the Hout Bay one. There were many spectators – way more than expected by the organisers, so I am sure it will become a regular event. The event is supposed to alternate with the venue in Hout Bay, which will be a challenge for the organisers. The best news is that we were introduced to three more members, so welcome guys.

18th October 2009 – Franschhoek Motor Museum

14 Cobra’s attended a great day out in perfect sunshine at Franschhoek Motor Museum at L’Ormarins wine estate. Wayne Harley, the curator gave some very interesting facts about the cars in each building, with the most time spent discussing the old AC car and an original 289 (COB 6017), which he also started up. Many of the cars were opened, and some started for us. After lunch, we visited the workshop where some additional interesting vehicles are being worked on. A great visit, not to be missed again.

26th September 2009 – Hermanus Whales & Wheels

The weekend started with a pre-show braai on Friday night, with some great chatting about the cars, and especially about the weather prediction! The weather played along on Saturday morning as the show started with a drive through the town, with 11 Cobra’s trailing the period cars and some Dart’s. I think the Cobra’s were the favourites, especially when we answered the call from the crowds for some revving and a little acceleration! The rain unfortunately could not stay away and by 1pm many of the cars were rushing off to the closest cover! Bravery awards should go to Dawie and Terry for venturing out without any covering, although the dog looked well covered!

23rd August 2009 – Kleinmond Brunch

It was a chilly start to a glorious day on which 6 Cobra’s ventured off to Kleinmond for brunch. We met at Somerset Mall, and then proceeded over Sir Lowry’s pass to Kleinmond. The company and weather was so great, we nearly stayed out long enough to miss the European GP!

9th August – Live to Race

Ten Cobra’s joind the group of exotic cars during the lunch time slot for Live to Race at Killarney as part of the Women’s Day events. We each took children in need for a couple of laps around the circuit, and I would say everyone really enjoyed the sunshine and petrol fumes! Well done to Joe Struwig for organising this event in combination with Reach for a Dream.

21st June 2009 – CAV factory visit

The rain stayed away long enough for a ride to visit CAV Auto Futura – the home of the awesome GT40 replica. Seven Cobra’s arrived to see the manufacturing home of their cousin. There were some other folk in tintops who did not brave the cold. After the interesting walk around the factory and talk by Jean Fourie, 4 of us decided to take a short drive over Ou Kaapse Weg and down through Glencairn before heading off for a father’s day lunch.

10th May 2009 – Potbelly Pantry breakfast run 

After many cold and rainy days in Cape Town, the weather cleared up for a sunny weekend, and a last minute outing to the Potbelly Farm in Simondium was only attended by three cars – this because it was Mother’s Day!

15th February 2009 – Uitkyk drive and picnic

We met at Sommerset West, and then proceeded over Sir Lowry’s Pass, through Grabouw, and then down to Franschoek and finally ended up at the Uitkyk wine estate in Stellenbosch for a picnic. The weather was superb and 33 people attended in 11 Cobra’s. On the way, we pulled off the Franschoek pass for a photo shoot.

7/8th February 2009 – Cape South Easter Historic Race Meeting – Killarney

Two days of great racing, with the Cape Cobra Club being able to take to the track at lunchtime on the second day. Unfortunately had to drive slowly behind a pace car, but still worth the few laps we were allowed.

24th January 2009 – Classic Car & Bike Show – Timour Hall

The organisers of this show decided to split the exhibits over two days in 2008, and so this year we were on display on Saturday along with other muscle cars and modified small cars. The public turnout was large, making the 7 hours that we needed to be there, go past quite quickly.

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