Saturday 20th January – Timour Hall show

Unfortunately only 8 Cobras attended the show in the courtyard – leaving room for at least 10 more! The weather was perfect, but that was about all! Very few other cars/clubs of interest on the Saturday, and the public attendance was not that great in my mind.

Timour Hall 2018

Thursday 1st March – Lonely but fun Drive

Had the day off, so I took a quick spin to Sea Point, Camps Bay, Hout Bay and up Chappies, just to build up the mileage after replacing the engine and needing to get some miles on the clock before replacing the oil & filter again. Any excuse to get out!

Hout Bay 2018

Sunday 15th April – Peninsula preparation Drive

This was another preparation drive to check the car was ready for the journey to Knysna. Had a super drive after breakfast with T&BS, then home to change the oil & filter! Ready for Knysna.


Sunday 29th April – Knysna Motor Show

We decided to support the Knysna Motor Show this year, but sadly only two club cars and one local Cobra were on display. This is a fantastic car show, probably the best in the country, where 400 invited cars and bikes are on display. The weather played along nicely, so the drive up via the Tredeau Pass, was a super way to stretch the cars on mountain passes with almost no other cars. The show was very well supported, with thousands of people streaming in all day. It even looked like Carroll Shelby paid a visit to our cars – see below!

Knysna 2018

Sunday 6th May – Shelby Tribute Drive

How great it is to see 18 Cobras driving around the peninsula on a day when the sun is out and there is not a puff of wind! After a breakfast at Dixies, we drove via Cape Point gate, Misty Cliffs and Slanghoek Lighthouse, where JD filmed us with a drone. We then drove via Chappies and Hout Bay to Maidens Cove in Camps Bay from where we depart back home.

Shelby outing 2018 a

Sunday 9th September – Chaeli Campaign charity drive

After a frantic scratch around to find a 6th driver to replace one whose car had a problem the night before the event, we had a fantastic drive around the Peninsula in near perfect weather. The six passengers really enjoyed themselves, far more than they originally expected, and the drivers had, as usual, as much fun.

The Marriott Protea hotel spoilt us with pre-drive coffee & snacks, and a superb 3 course meal afterwards.

Chaeli drive 2018s  

Sunday 4th November – Killarney Motor Show

This annual event is now probably the largest show in Cape Town, so there were quite a lot of interesting exhibits to keep the 11 Cobra drivers occupied for the long day. The predicted rain stayed away and was replaced with almost 100% sun – good old SA Weather prediction thankfully wrong yet again! Thanks to all the guys who made it to the show, and for stopping by at our stand to chat.

Killarney 2018s

Friday 22nd December –  Full moon drive

Ross organised a great ride to chappies to celebrate the full moon. 11 Cobras ventured out in the dark (and wind), but what a marvellous experience to be out driving in the moonlight.

Chappies 2018 

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